Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hackers: The Douche Bags behind the in-game Avatars

Hello all. This is a soapbox post where I am going to pose a question or two (maybe) about the type of gamer who decides to ruin any given game for everyone, and maybe answer that/those questions since the feedback on this blog is... Well, what feedback? Ha!

So after debating all day as to what I wanted to play, I decided after 3 in the morning to play Borderlands. Brilliant game, cannot compliment it enough, and I would say that if I were to make a list of my top -insert number here- favorite games of all time, that it would be up towards that tippy top. Since I can never seem to pick official favorites in any order I doubt you will ever see me do that, but nonetheless it has been a favorite of mine since it came out in 2009. The looting, the shooting, the RPG skill trees, the bazillions of guns, the art style, and the fantastic humor of this game make it a perfect game for me to just play. Sure, if I get some stupid teammates, or lag, it can get frustrating, and you can guarantee to see a Borderlands video of me just having a good time in the near future, but I noticed that playing it relaxed me. I tore through hundreds of enemies and picked up all the loot that I could get my grubby little hands on, and I was having such a great time for the first time in a while! Then... The douche bags came out in full force. With their game ruining modded shields that have nearly infinite capacity, and their modded guns that kill every single enemy in one shot, they are just the worst thing about Borderlands and any other game they decide to ruin by hacking. I mean the point of video games is to have a good time, yes, and if they have to go to means outside of the game to create items and weapons to make themselves far stronger than the game ever intended anyone to be then so be it. But to ruin someone else's experience with your false items is very uncool.

I have beaten that game up and down, left and right, and any other way that one can think of several times over. So it's not like I'm trying to make progress in the game on my own. I'm the top level, I have great equipment, guns, class mods, grenade mods, and shields that were all gotten from loot drops or loot chests in-game. I have a blast playing in my single player campaign even though the enemies are tough and I can still get my ass handed to me from time to time, but that is the point. You learn different ways to overcome the stuff that the game throws at you. A different strategy, different gun with a different ammo type, or running the enemy over with a vehicle and laughing maniacally while doing so, not going to your computer and booting up a program that modifies your save game to include crazy guns that you create. If Gearbox intended for you to be able to do that, they would have released an official version.

I am just perplexed as to why anyone would do this? There is no sense of competition, though every asshole I get in to a server with seems to think they need to show how cool they are by challenging me to duels to show off the gun that will kill me in one or two shots that they created AND DID NOT FIND IN THE GAME!!! Despite that, there is no counter showing who kills more, there are no rewards for being the best, and no one would care if there were! These people are just lame-o's who think they are cool for using something that breaks in to the game's code and screws over the point of the game. Which is to progress through the story and become stronger as you go along, AND to have a laugh and a good time with your pals, or random people you meet in the game.Simple as that. These people find a need to be the best in-game because in their lives they are not the best and never will be. Or they are just natural born douche knuckle mcshit stains. And those people can bite the big one.

Well all that's left to say about this is that they can all fuck a cactus and pour bleach in their wounded anuses afterwards. Thank you very much for reading, ladies and gentlemen.

Lets all keep the bleach out of our anal cavities, and the hacks out of our games, please?

- Cameron


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