Friday, May 30, 2014

Far Cry 3: Awesome Outpost Capture #1

Here's a short Far Cry 3 Outpost Capture video for ya while I continue working on my 100th Video Celebration! These Outpost Captures will be a combination of silly, epic, and awesome, so I hope you all enjoy them!

Thanks for watching, brahs!

 - Cameron

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Boomin Banana Plays: Outlast - Part 3

Well hello there! I have a new video for ya here, fresh off the presses. Or whatever. Plenty of scares in this Outlast episode, so enjoy my screams of terror as I have a huge dude chase me again, have a group of psychos pursue me, and finally have a doctor fella totally not want to kill me. Oh wait, what's that? He does want to kill me? Well shit. Anyway, enjoy!

Thank you, my faithful Nanners!

 - Cameron

Friday, May 9, 2014

Grand Theft Auto V Silliness #2

Here we are again delving deep in to the world of Grand Theft Auto V! This video marks the turning point where my footage goes from a lot of single player and some multi-player to a whole lot of multi-player and no single player! So the Grand Theft Auto V videos from here on out will be all multi-player unless by some miracle I actually play the single player again... Psssssh! Anywhoosles, here ya go! Sound effects, music, and actual editing in a video from me!? It must be mah birthday!


Thanks a bunch for watching, brahs and brahlettes!

 - Cameron