Saturday, July 20, 2013

Boomin Banana Plays: The Last of Us - Part 1

Ohhhhhhh daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn! Here be the first video of my Last of Us playthrough! Amazing game, and I had a lot of fun a lot of feels throughout playing it! Everyone who hasn't played it needs to play it! I will shut up and let you clicka da vidya now! Enjoooooooooy!


Thanks for watching, my little nanners!

 - Cameron

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Boomin Banana Plays: Dead Space 3 - Part 3

I'm actually pretty happy with how things turned out in this video. I have hit my stride in my footage! And by stride I mean being scared a lot and saying and doing stupid things. Haha! So I hope you enjoy this next part in my Dead Space 3 saga! Last of Us videos will follow!

Shank choos vor suphorting mees!

- Cameron

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Boomin Banana Plays: One Late Night

Happy Independence Day all you Amuricans out thur! Sorry I haven't put up a bunch of videos lately. Lots of stuff going on in my personal life... But anyway, I celebrated my Independence early last night by scaring myself for your entertainment. While this isn't the scariest game ever, it still did a good job of getting me focused enough to scare the shit out of me! Enjoy as you count the times that I scream like a girl during this video!


Thanks for watching, guys and gals!

 - Cameron