Monday, June 23, 2014

Far Cry 3: Awesome Outpost Capture #2

Here is another short little filler video of a silly outpost capture I had. I plan on doing more of these as I come across them during my editing, so until I find no more look for one of these every now and then. The next one will be ridiculous, just so you all know! Enjoy!


Thanks for peepin' at this with your lookity organs!

 - Cameron

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Boomin Banana Plays: The Last of Us - Part 6

Here we are again in the depressing world of The Last of Us! For once some happy stuff happens in this episode! Don't get too comfortable though, there are rough spots ahead in the game! I will hold you and comfort you though... You like that don't ya? Ahem, yes. So enjoy the game play!

As always, thanks for watching!

 - Cameron