Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Far Cry 3: Awesome Outpost Capture #3

Video number 99! One video away from my 100th video celebration! It's a doozy too. Full of rage and eventual triumph. But mostly rage. Haha! I hope you enjoy it, and I can't wait for you all to see the 100th video! Definitely been nice going through all my old videos to pick out some of the best moments from them! Anyway, watch dees!


Thanks for watching, brahs!

 - Cameron

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Boomin Banana Rages: Gotham City Impostors

Here it is! The triumphant return, or maybe not, of my Rage series! After two years of being dormant after Bioshock 2, I decided to pick this game up as it was free. Big mistake. Twitchy, reliant on micro-transactions, and near impossible to play unless you are a high level with a lot of unlocks, or a lame-o with a lot of money to pay for the unlocks! So enjoy the sound of my blood pressure sky rocketing!

Thanks for watching, everone!

- Cameron