Friday, March 25, 2016

Boomin Banana Fails: Super Mario Maker

Well here it is! Not as cohesive and orderly as I wanted it to be, but it was right after I came back from a mini-vacation with my gaming running crew! We are all in this video in some way, so enjoy the non-microphoned voices of my friends Anthoney and Ariel as we talk about weird crap! Also I really suck at these hard levels in Mario Maker. Shocking!

Thanks for watching!

 - Cameron

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Boomin Banana Plays: Layers of Fear #1 (The Terror of Painting)

A new horror playthrough! This one really messed with my brain! It is trippy, it is spooky, and most of all it gets results. Those results? Making me scream and/or whimper. So enjoy this "fun" new venture, and don't mind the laggy frame rate at the beginning. The game smooths out eventually!


Thanks for watching, suckas!

 - Cameron