Sunday, April 8, 2012

Russian Guyovich and Indecision

Seems like it's been awhile since I posted on here, but it has only like a week and a few days. Hm. Well anyway, usually I update you on the progress of my latest video, but there really is no progress to speak of. I have some Battlefield 3 footage, but the latest patch more or less ruined my fun with that game. So here's to hoping I can change my strategy and begin enjoying it again, because I love making those videos. On the scary game front, I had my buddy Anthoney help me decide on a game to play and he chose Metro 2033. Not as scary as I'd hoped, but I might be able to squeeze a video out of it for the bad Russian accents and a few jump scares. After that, who knows... I am bad at deciding on what game to record gameplay of because sometimes the ones I that I think are gonna be awesome for a video end up not being as enjoyable to watch as I'd hoped.

So, my loyal readers I hope that this reluctance to play Battlefield 3 and inability to decide on what game to play for you all does not stretch in to a longer than usual video drought from me. I will try to force myself to decide on another scary game after Metro 2033 and maybe even force myself to play a little Battlefield 3 for the lawls. Or the stroke I am no doubt bringing nearer each session. I hope you all are doing well and I will get on that Metro video as soon as I can! Perhaps Monday or Tuesday... Perhaps.

Slight Mass Effect 3 spoiler ahead... Kind of.

Yup. Still pissed about that shitty ending!

- Cameron

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