Hello my pretties. I bring you excitement from my neck of the woods!
First off, I am still in the process of working on both my Mass Effect 3 co-op video, and my newest Adventures in Battlefield 3 video, however the former is beginning to be less and less likely. Mass Effect 3's co-op is super great, and I implore you all to go download the demo and give it a try, but I'm not getting much footage as it pertains to funny or cool moments. The game mode, at it's core, is very monotonous. As is every horde mode type game mode. That is never a bad thing, it just makes for very rare moments of hilarity and excitement. So, stay tuned on that. I'm going to try to play once more with my pals to try and get the last bit of footage... Doesn't help when you play with tired and/or grumpy co-op partners though. *cough cough* Battlefield 3, however, is going great. All the footage for this video has been gone through and the golden geese, or my shitty versions or golden geese, have been selected and the major editing has begun. I actually took a break from it to write this.
As for the other excitement I wanted to share, I actually have been getting a great amount of traffic on my channel due to one video in particular. My Gears of War 3 glitch video. I submitted it to the Gamefails channel, run by Roosterteeth, and they put my clip up! Since I commented on the video, the original longer version on my channel began getting lots of views by my standards. I have also gained subscribers who are not personal friends. Hello to you if you're one of those people reading this now! I was motivated before, but now that I have more people who have enjoyed my videos I will try even harder. The comments have been super supportive, and have made my day everytime I get a new one. Seriously, thank you all! For someone who has had no video editing experience until last September, you have all made me feel confident in my abilities. Can't say thanks enough!
Anyway, look forward to more videos soon! I am excited for the future, even if all that happens with this is that I get make people laugh and be happy. That's what it's all about!
- Cameron
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