Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Boomin Banana Rages(and fails): Dark Souls #9 (Terrifying Snake Dude)

Oh man, we are back to the good ol' Dark Souls videos. The only videos where you can hear my spirit break even more as episodes go on!

Thanks for watching!

 - Cameron

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Boomin Banana Plays: Alien - Part 10 (Core Overload Drama)

Man. Things just keep getting crappier for ol' Amanda! Watch as everything crumbles around her and I laugh about it!


Thanks for watching!

 - Cameron

Friday, March 3, 2017

Boomin Banana Plays: Resident Evil 7 #11 - Finale (Evil Dead Space End Boss)

And here we are... This crazy ride has come to an end! How fitting that the ending be batshit crazy. Hope you enjoy the Evil Dead and Dead Space-like final boss of the game! Thanks for sticking with me through all of this!


Thanks for watching!

- Cameron